Thursday, October 11, 2007

NGS Supermarket

After our scheduled visits were done, Chris Barbieri took us to an NGS supermarket. This chain is run by the government. It was bigger than it looked from the outside. There were three levels. Groceries were on the top two levels.

It was a large grocery store.

These apples, and several other fruits, were individually wrapped for protection.

A lot of the milk was UHT-packaged and did not require refrigeration.

The store also sold milk and milk products that did require refrigeration. This young woman is giving away free samples of drinkable yogurt.

Tofu here in China is very tasty!

You can buy fish either alive or frozen.

There were some signs in English, but not always good English.

Look at the portion size of the pudding container that Margaret Laggis is holding.

On the other hand, in the next aisle one could buy very large containers of peanut oil.

The checkout area was similar to a US grocery store.

This poster was on the wall near the checkout. It says that the government is cracking down on counterfeit goods for certain brands, including Rolex and North Face.