Monday, February 29, 2016

Available Resources for Challenging Situations

With 2015 behind us and an anything but average start to 2016, we need to remember that we can’t always predict what the calendar will bring. If our current weather pattern has proven anything, it’s that anything can happen.  And it’s with this in mind that we here at Yankee Farm Credit want to highlight some resources to help alleviate the challenges, manage stress, help mitigate the struggles and prepare for the unforeseen and unknown.
In June of 2009 we posted a list of available hotlines and resources. As the agriculture atmosphere changes we wanted to add some updates, as well as some news links and stories from here and  abroad.
New York:
Offers services not always related to agriculture, but personal wellbeing.
New Hampshire:
 Call 211, sponsored by the United Ways of NH (click here for info about New Hampshire 211).
New Hampshire Disaster Animal Response Team

 FarmFirst 1-877-493-62-16 anytime day or night.
This site will direct you to:
Use the password Farm for your organization.
Vermont Agricultural Mediation Program.
Their mission is to help parties resolve environmental, land use, and agricultural disputes through the effective use of mediation.
More links for stories from around the globe: