Second of four posts about farms visited on the farm tour in the upper Connecticut River Valley on Friday, July 18.
Our second stop was
Pete & Gerry's Organic Eggs in Monroe, NH. Gerry Laflamme and his son Jesse gave us a tour of the operation:

Pete & Gerry's organic eggs come from hens which are fed organic grain, are not treated with antibiotics, and which are housed in cage-free barns (with access to the outdoors when conditions are appropriate). It requires considerable automation to feed the hens and collect the eggs:

And it requires more automation to wash and sort the eggs and package them for sale:

The Laflammes obviously enjoy their work, and we enjoyed their sense of humor—which is also evident throughout their web site. I was particularly amused by the "chicken chat" section at the bottom of
this page. I can attest that their hens are quite chatty!
Thank you, Gerry and Jesse.