Friday, March 21, 2008

23rd Annual North Country Dairy Seminar

Kelly Langmaid, loan officer from the Newport office, attended the 23rd Annual North Country Dairy Seminar and Trade Show on March 19th. Guest speaker, Dr. Linda Tikofsky is the Senior Associate of Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS) for the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. She is a field veterinarian and consults with dairy farmers regarding mastitis issues for herds of all sizes.

In the morning session Dr. Tikofsky discussed high quality milk, where she explained the importance of understanding various bacteria counts and what they tell us. She discussed what the various counts indicate and how to use the data to troubleshoot problems with milk quality.

In the afternoon session Dr. Tikofsky tied into the morning session by discussing bedding choices and how they may affect mastitis and bacteria counts. She explained the pros and cons of the various bedding types and how to choose the best source for your dairy.