Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2014 Vermont and New York Maple Conferences

In January, the University of Vermont Extension, Addison County Maple Sugarmakers Association and Vermont Maple Syrup Makers' Association put on the 11th annual Vermont Maple Conferences in three different locations; Middlebury (Jan 11th), Bellows Falls (Jan 18th) and Hyde Park (Jan 25th).  These are educational meetings that update sugarmakers with the latest industry knowledge and research. These meetings provide marketing opportunities and networking with other sugarmakers throughout the state.

Rob Guay, Yankee Appraiser at the NY Maple School
On February 1st, the 2nd Annual Maple School was held in Brushton, NY. This meeting was hosted by the Brushton-Moira FFA and offered a variety of presentations relating to the maple industry.

Yankee staff were in attendance at each of these meetings to discuss what Yankee has to offer in regards to credit as well as financially related services. Ken Button, Senior Vice President and Manager of the Middlebury branch, gave a presentation at the Middlebury meeting on the importance of a realistic business plan. Here at Yankee, we have seen substantial growth in our maple portfolio in recent years, if you would like to learn more about what we can offer to your maple operation, give us a call!