Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Promotion - Jean Conklin

I am pleased to announce that Jean Conklin in our White River Jct. office has been promoted to Senior Loan Officer. This promotion recognizes the key role that Jean fills in our White River Jct. office in terms of providing both credit and financial services to customers.

Jean started work for Yankee Farm Credit in 2004. Previously she worked for 16 years for UNH Cooperative Extension as a dairy specialist. Jean is a Farm Credit Tax Specialist and Payroll Tax Specialist, as well as an IRS Enrolled Agent. She represents the Farm Credit System on the board of directors of the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge. She holds a bachelors degree in animal science from the University of New Hampshire, a masters degree in dairy management from Virginia Tech, and a masters degree in business administration from Plymouth State University. Miles, her husband, and Jean operate a family dairy farm in Haverhill, NH. Jean also serves on the board of directors of Co-operative Insurance Companies of Middlebury, VT, a position she has held since 2001.

Congratulations, Jean!