Friday, October 29, 2010

4-H Foundation of New Hampshire

Ken Nelson, Senior Loan Officer from the White River Junction office, recently represented Yankee at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the 4-H Foundation of New Hampshire. This year the meeting was held October 19, 2010 at Alan’s Restaurant in Boscawen, NH.

The 4-H Foundation helps support the many 4-H programs in New Hampshire which involve over 20,000 youth and 2,500 adult volunteers in all aspects of 4-H. Over the past year, the Foundation has provided financial support of more than $100,000 to help fund these programs.

During the meeting thanks and recognition was given to the people who have volunteered their time and talents working with 4-Hers over the years. Special recognition was given to four women who have each worked with the 4-H youth for more than 40 years. Quite an honor for these exceptionally dedicated people.

Several 4-Hers made presentations highlighting projects they have worked on or educational trips they have taken over the past year. Two teens spoke enthusiastically about their participation in a program designed to provide various activities, entertainment, life skills training and many other types of support to New Hampshire children who have a parent or parents in the military. 4-H partners with several other organizations in this program titled Operation: Military Kids (OMK). There are more than 4,000 children in New Hampshire’s military families at the present time. This is one of the many projects that the 4-H Foundation supports.

Yankee Farm Credit supports the 4-H Foundation of New Hampshire as an “Achiever” donor.