Friday, April 16, 2010

2010 Dairy Challenge

The 9th annual North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge was held in Visalia, CA, April 8-10, 2010. The event was hosted by Cal Poly and California State University Fresno. NAIDC 2010 attracted teams from 30 universities throughout the United States and Canada. Each team of four was challenged to put their textbook and practical knowledge to the ultimate test-analyzing dairies. The contest started with a walkthough at one of the four host dairies, followed by the opportunity to ask questions of the owners and analyze farm-specific data. Teams then used this information and their observations to develop management recommendations and present them to the herd owners and a panel of five dairy industry judges.

The program is fully funded through the generous support of companies and producer associations serving the dairy industry, including Farm Credit and many local associations. Jean Conklin, Loan Officer and Tax Specialist from the White River office, serves on the NAIDC Board of Directors representing Farm Credit, a major sponsor of the event. Teams from UVM and UMaine participated. The national and four regional contests provide this educational opportunity to over 300 students each year.

See website for results.