Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prepare to Survive a Bio-disaster

Dr. Julie Smith of UVM Extension is presently conducting a series of workshops titled "Prepare to Survive a Bio-disaster." (See also this earlier post.)

Workshop I was held in November. Workshop II was held last week. Workshop III will be held in February. Each workshop is held in three locations in Vermont: Addison county, Franklin county and Orleans county.

Workshop II dealt with personal and financial resiliency. Yankee Farm Credit made a presentation on the lender's perspective. Our message was that lenders will try to work with affected borrowers to the extent possible. Our presentation included a general discussion of how we make credit decisions and the following suggestions: prepare during the good times by building financial strength and liquidity; keep in mind that your lender will be involved in any discussions affecting collateral, including indemnity payments; maintain good communications with your lender.

SVP/Chief Credit Officer Bill Heath made the presentation in Orleans county; VP Mike Farmer made the presentation in Franklin county; and I made the presentation in Addison county.

UPDATE: Dr. Julie Smith has posted follow-up documentation from this series of workshops: results, feedback.